I’m sure we have all heard the “it’s not you, it’s me”, break up line at one point. If I made a list of the worst things you can say during a break up, it would definitely be towards the top. The reason being that everyone knows it really means, “It ISN’T me, it’s YOU, I just don’t want to look like the bad guy (or girl)”.
When a breakup happens, both parties have some idea as to why the relationship ended. But what happens when you never hear from someone after the first date? This is my number one pet peeve! Not only is it a blow to your ego, but you will NEVER know what happened! It’s like the end of the movie Inception. All you want to do is stand up and say, “Seriously?! Come on!”.
I was recently on a date that went amazingly. It was fun, flowed, and had just the right amount of flirt. I felt comfortable and was totally myself (of course following my own advice). If I was on The Bachelor, I would have gotten the final rose right then and there. Game over. Ok, I’m exaggerating a little, but I didn’t think the date could have gone any better. Apparently, I was mistaken.
I don’t know it was because the Lakers lost that night or if it was the expensive bill (which was not my fault) but I still haven’t heard from this guy! The more I replayed the evening in my mind, the more frustrated I became trying to figure out why I haven’t heard from him! I’m at the point where I just want to know what happened! I think that the two bottles of wine he ordered on a first date was probably a red flag, but everything else seemed totally copasetic. So what gives?
There needs to be an anonymous tip line where singletons could find out why their dates never called them. Most people know why the lifeline was cut after a bad date, but how do you know where you took a wrong turn if the date went well and all you get is radio silence? Who fumbled? You or your date?
Here is the moral of the story. In instances where a fabulous first date gets you zilch, it’s probably not you, it’s them.