Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy "Made up Holiday But I Still Love it" Day

Ok, so it's been well, a long time since I've blogged.  I'm sure you all thought I fell off the face of the earth.  I'm still here, guys!!!  I thought today would be the perfect day to make my comeback, even though currently I am not so single, I can't pass up the perfect opportunity to make you laugh, giggle, smile, smirk, or grunt (depending on your sense of humor).

So, Happy Valentine's Day from yours truly and you're welcome ahead of time. :-)

 Classic.  This one deserves at least one laugh out loud.

 Ok, too cute.  Now, let's get real...


For the complicated relationships.

Ryan always puts things in perspective.  Thank you!

He's also very clever with his words (sigh). :-)

He's just stating the facts.

Seriously, I love this cat.

The cold, hard truth.
Ok, so this was the fasted blog ever.  I'll be back soon, don't you worry!  Happy Valentine's Day!  Hug the ones you care for and even the ones you don't, because even though today is a made up holiday, everyone deserves a little love!
Happy dating everyone!