I like to think of the dating world as being a huge pool party. There are the people in the deep end, drowning and desperate for a boyfriend, girlfriend, or marriage. Then there are the folks in the shallow end, who are just that, shallow. These people see dating as recreational. They usually have hundreds of sexual partners and would rather loose a limb then commit to one person for the rest of their life. Finally, there’s the middle of the pool. I would say that most people hang out in this area, my-self included. The goal is to find someone who is splashing around in your section. You definitely don’t want to drift toward the deep end, but you also don’t to be so cynical about love that you end up in the shallow end. The problem is there are so many people at this pool party and society tells us that there’s only one person out there for you. My question is how are we supposed to enjoy dating when we’re under so much pressure to find “the one”?
My co-worker put this deliema in a different perspective for me and I thought I would share it with my fellow singletons. Instead of there just being one person for you, there are actually 100 people who you could happily spend the rest of your life with. Sure, we’d like to find the person who is at the top of that list, but guess what, if we met Mr. or Mrs. Fifty-eight, they go strait to number one! Phew! Now that the stress is off, jump in and enjoy the pool party because once you find and marry “the one/number fifty-eight”, it won’t be too long until you’re hanging out in the baby pool.